2024 Continuum of Care Program Competition
Consolidated Application
Opening Doors has submitted its consolidated application for the year.
Project Decisions
by Selection Committee
Rank | New/Renew | Organization | Project Name | Project Type | Score | $ Approved | Decision |
1 | Renewal | Opening Doors NWFL | The Guardian 2024 | SSO-CE | 100 | $291,509.00 | Accepted |
2 | Renewal | Opening Doors NWFL | HMIS 2024 | HMIS | 100 | $129,577.00 | Accepted |
3 | Renewal | 90Works | Project90 - FY24 | PSH | 62.75 | $108,151.00 | Accepted |
4 | Renewal | Lakeview Center | Housing First 2024 | PSH | 57 | $131,356.00 | Accepted |
5 | Renewal | Opening Doors NWFL | ICARE PSH 2024 | PSH | 42.25 | $42,888.00 | Accepted |
6 | New | FavorHouse | A New Beginning: RRH | RRH | 74 | $437,800.00 | Accepted |
7 | New | Opening Doors NWFL | HMIS Expansion 2024 | HMIS | 86.5 | $64,809.00 | Accepted |
8 | New | Re-Entry Alliance Pensacola | Reducing Homelessness by Enhancing Rapid Rehousing | RRH | 62.5 | $290,373.00 | Accepted |
Not Ranked | New | Opening Doors NWFL | CoC Planning | Planning | Not Scored | $147,060.00 | Accepted |
Total | $1,643,523.00 |
2024 FL-511 Request for Proposals Continuum of Care Announcement
RELEASE DATE: Thursday, August 22, 2024

The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program is specifically designed to foster a community-wide commitment to eradicating homelessness. It provides essential funding for nonprofit providers, States, Indian Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities, and local governments to rapidly rehouse individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Additionally, the program addresses the needs of individuals affected by domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and youth experiencing homelessness. Its overarching goal is to ensure that homeless individuals and families have access to and can effectively utilize mainstream programs, while also striving to enhance their self-sufficiency.
Local Applications Due September 10, 2024, by 7 PM CDT
There are two processes that comprise the NOFO competition: the local process and the HUD process. Both processes must be completed.
Note that the local competition process has changed this year. Therefore, it is very important that all entities interested in requesting HUD CoC funding read and understand the Request for Proposals and associated materials. Please contact grants@openingdoorsnwfl.org if you have any questions about the new process.
The HUD process is available at:
CoC Program Competition Details and ResourcesLetters of Intent to Apply for New and/or Renewal Projects
Due August 30, 2024, by 7 PM CDT
Entities interested in applying for project funding for a renewal or new project are required to submit a Letter of Intent by 7:00 PM CDT on August 30, 2024, using the Google Form here: LOI Link.
Technical assistance is available to organizations that submit a letter of intent for an eligible activity under the CoC Program competition by the due date and who are registered CoC Members as of August 30, 2024.
2024 HUD CoC NOFO Community Workshop
August 26, 2024, at 2 PM CDT
The meeting will consist of a comprehensive overview of the 2024 NOFO, the local competition timeline, the local application submission process, e-snaps submission, the project review process, and a question-and-answer period. All organizations interested in applying for new and renewal funds through the local competition are encouraged to attend this workshop. All interested organizations are invited to attend, including those that have not previously been awarded HUD CoC Program funding.
This meeting is open to the public.
To request accommodations or similar assistance, email grants@openingdoorsnwfl.org at least two business days prior to the workshop.
Meeting Link: |
FY2024 HUD CoC NOFO Workshop (CoC FL-511) |
In-Person: |
1020 North New Warrington Road Pensacola, Florida 32506 |