Opening Doors Northwest Florida

Serving the Homeless
of Florida's Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties

Homeless Services Lead Agency for Continuum of Care FL-511

The FL-511 CoC envisions a community where no one is experiencing homelessness.
The CoC works as a collective body to ensure everyone has a safe, stable, and affordable place to live.
The CoC holds eachother accountable by committing to guiding principles.

2024 State Unified RFP Grant Submission Deadline Extention Notice ! 

We thank you for your continued patience throughout the 2024 State Unified RFP submission process. We understand the importance of ensuring that your proposal is thoroughly prepared and comprehensive, and we want to provide you with adequate time to finalize all the necessary details.

Given the technical issues with the RFP Application, we are extending the submission deadline to Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 5:00 PM CST.

Completed Requests for Proposals and documentation must be submitted at We apologize for any setbacks and will continue to resolve technical issues as they arise. Given the current status, we do not anticipate further extending the deadline.

For applicants that have no yet started the State RFP submission process, we encourage you to begin this process as soon as possible to ensure that you can meet the new submission deadline. Last-minute submission attempts may result in delays and issues and the CoC Lead does not anticipate granting special extensions. Please ensure to allow yourself enough time to review and submit the application and address issues that arise.


If you are experiencing issues with the RFP Materials and Online Application:

1. Review the RFP Guide (“L. Submission Information” and “CoC Grant Preparation Checklist”) to identify materials and the submission process.

2. Notify the CoC’s Grant Liaison, Martika Baker, at or 850-466-5379.

2024 FL-511 Request for Proposals (DCF) State Unified Announcement

Reallocation of DCF Funds

Opening Doors Northwest Florida will reallocate up to $ 55,834.80 in carryover Challenge Grant funds and $ 102,929.29 in carryover Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds.

These funds will be provided for eligible activities identified in the 2024 Continuum of Care Plan.

Click Here for Details



Opening Doors has been informed by the Department of Children and Families that our community is tentatively set to receive new Challenge Grant funding.

This funding has the potential to support 2-3 projects with up to $200,000 each.