Opening Doors Northwest Florida

Become a Member

CoC Membership

CoC general membership is open to any individual or organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness. Individuals or organizations must live, work, or service residents inside of the CoC’s geographic area of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties. This includes public and private entities, individuals with lived experience, community advocates, for-profits and nonprofits, and governmental entities.

Shared Values & Guiding Principles

  • Value the voice of people with lived experience
  • Be bold
  • Create accountable and transparent governance structures
  • Build trust through unity, collaboration, and performance Focus on housing solutions
  • Maintain fidelity to data and evidence Focus on our future
  • Promote equity to advance change Politics will not drive policies

Membership Benefits

The following membership benefits are applicable to all CoC members in good standing:

  • Eligible members can apply for CoC funding, including participation in HUD Notice of Funding
  • Opportunities specific to the CoC Program and any Requests for Proposals issued by the collaborative applicant.
  • Members may request letters of support necessary for their grant applications from the collaborative applicant. Requests do not guarantee automatic acceptance.
  • Members may participate in voting as outlined in the charter.
  • Members receive up to date information from the CoC on meetings, events, vol. opportunities, and funding opportunities.
  • Members may participate in CoC committees.
  • Members are active participants in guiding the community’s strategic plan to prevent and end homelessness.

Individual Membership

An individual who does not work for or represent an agency/organization may apply for membership to represent themselves. An individual must live or work in the CoC’s geographical area and may apply to become a member after attendance at one CoC meeting.

Join the COC-Individual Membership

Organization Membership

In order to become a member of the CoC, a representative of an agency/organization must be located or provide services in the CoC’s geographical area. Organizations include faith-based organizations, nonprofits, government partners, and for-profit partners.

Join the CoC-Organization Membership