Opening Doors Northwest Florida

2024 System Performance Measures (SPM)

Information gathered from data reported to HUD for the required System Performance Measures report of the locally implemented Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).

This data encompasses the homeless populations of Florida's Escambia & Santa Rosa counties.

Safe Haven (SH) data not charted here as there are none in Escambia & Santa Rosa counties and all values for them are thus zeros.

Measure 1: Length of Time Persons Remain Homeless

Universe (Persons)

Average LOT Homeless (bed nights)

Median LOT Homeless (bed nights)

Measure 2: The Extent to which Persons who Exit Homelessness to Permanent Housing Destinations Return to Homelessness

TOTAL Returns to Homelessness

People that went from Street Outreach (SO)
to Permanent Housing (PH)

People that went from Emergency Shelter (ES)
to Permanent Housing (PH)

People that went from Transitional Housing (TH)
to Permanent Housing (PH)

People that went straight into
Permanent Housing (PH)

Measure 3: Number of Homeless Persons

Change in Annual Counts

Change in PIT Counts

Measure 4: Employment and Income Growth for Homeless Persons in CoC Program-funded Projects

Total income for adult system stayers

Total income for adult system leavers

Earned income for adult system stayers

Earned income for adult system leavers

Non-employment cash income for adult system stayers

Non-employment cash income for adult system leavers

Measure 5: Number of persons who become homeless for the 1st time

People entering ES, SH, and TH projects with no prior enrollments in HMIS

People entering ES, SH, TH, and PH projects with no prior enrollments in HMIS

Measure 6: Homeless Prevention and Housing Placement of Persons defined by category 3 of HUD’s Homeless Definition in CoC Program-funded Projects

Not applicable to Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties

Measure 7: Successful Placement from Street Outreach and Successful Placement in or Retention of Permanent Housing

Change in exits to permanent housing destinations

Change in exits to permanent housing destinations

Change in exit to or retention of permanent housing

Data Quality and Housing Inventory Count (HIC)

Number of non-DV Beds on HIC

Number of HMIS Beds

HMIS Participation Rate from HIC

Unduplicated Persons Served (HMIS)

Total Leavers (HMIS)

Destination of Don’t Know, Refused, or Missing (HMIS)

Destination Error Rate (%)

System Performance Measure Reports Submitted to HUD